The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire Edition 32: Aug/Sept 2017 | Page 14
“If we want them to understand change,
we need to speak their language”
Successful businesses are built with effective communicators
- not just top down to ensure the strategy and values are
known, or bottom up to ensure low-level concerns are shared
to the senior leadership team, but everywhere.
One of the most important times to ensure
communications are effective is during any change
programme. Primarily because change involves uncertainty
which often leads to fear. Change is also hard for leaders
because followers have to perceive twice the benefit before
they will even consider the proposal!
If the resistance to change is about fear and a perceived
threat, we need to understand the negative perceptions so we
can minimise the fear, and harness the positive perceptions
to facilitate recognition of the benefits. Research shows
that everyone has a preferred perceptual frame of reference
through which we interact with the world. We also have a
preferred psychological need; this underpins our motivation.
These perceptions and needs provide a verbal and non-verbal
language which we use to communicate. Consequently, we
need to choose the most effective ‘language’, because how
we say something (process) is often more important than
what we say (content). Get it wrong and miscommunication
and conflict occurs.
Using process isn’t as hard as you might think because the
‘preferred language’ of others is observable through words,
gestures, facial expressions, tones and posture, along with
how they respond when in distress. These distress behaviours
are easily recognised and using the unique responses for
each perception, we can quickly reduce distress. This process
becomes easier when the personality structure of the other
party is known via a personal profile.
“It is not about pigeon-holing:
it is about communicating in the
preferred language of the listener”
Crucially, the Process Communication Model is not about
pigeon-holing: it is about communicating in the preferred
language of the listener. When this is not achieved, the
listener is likely to misinterpret our message which makes
change much harder to achieve.
If you’d like to know more about PCM, an award-winning
communication and behavioural tool used for nearly 20 years
by NASA and now used in business, healthcare and education
to improve performance, patient safety and the bottom line,
please get in touch.
Gareth Lock, Human in the System
For more info:
[email protected]
07966 483832
Picture your competitor’s team in a rowing boat.
Imagine that there are 10 of them. 2 of the crew are rowing
hard, working to power the boat to the destination defined for
the business and team in the next 1 year, 3 years and 5 years.
They are highly engaged!
Now consider that 5 are holding
an oar, going through the motions,
idling, ticking over, pulling only when
they feel like it or when pushed to.
They are disengaged!
“Between 50% and
80% of the UK’s
payroll is being paid
to disengaged and
highly disengaged
The other 3 are holding a chain that
is attached to the anchor, an anchor
that is beneath the boat dragging
across the sea bed, slowing progress
down. These 2 are actively dismissive
of ideas, direction, efforts to inspire
and focus them and the team. They
are highly disengaged!
Thank goodness this is your
competitor and not your business and
Employee Engagement is arguably
the most important topic in the world
of Human Resource. Why? Because
between 50% and 80% of the UK’s
payroll is being paid to disengaged
and highly disengaged employees.
A business that is not growing is
dying because it’s competitors and the
environment around it are advancing
and developing. It’s impossible though
to grow a business that is employing
disengaged and highly disengaged
people. Not only are they less
productive and probably negative, but
they are also actively disruptive and
holding you back.
Via a carefully designed programme
of controlled training sessions it
is possible to re-engage the 80%
of your team that are currently
disengaged or highly disengaged
people and deliver game changing
increases in employee engagement.
Teams of between 4 and 20 people
are the optimal size for Employee
Engagement Training, therefore it is
within reach of many SME’s and if
your serious about growth, it’s a ‘must
To take a FREE survey that will
define just how many of your team
members are highly engaged, or to
find out more about the programme
and how our team can help you,
contact our Engage and Grow
specialist Anne Messer on 01793
For more info:
[email protected]
01865 362109