The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire April/May Edition 2015 | Page 2

CUT THE TIME IT TAKES TO PROCESS YOUR INVOICES OICE NUAL INV MA G ROCESSIN P W WORKFLO 1. om invoice fr Remove . envelope d ssifies an . clerk cla category payable ct nts the corre An accou to 2. invoice in sorts the person e to the voice. the invoic ard rticular in 3. Forw r that pa le fo responsib ting PO inst exis oice aga h the inv ble. 4. Matc if applica number is invoiced amount that the ice. o re n the inv 5. Ensu stated o correctly oods nd the g correct a is on must amount sible pers 6. If the e respon ff on it. ived, th signing o have arr voice by the in approve n agreed xceeds a er voiced e in a manag amount voice to 7. If the rd the in forwa amount, ve. to appro tings and t of mee ger is ou na until ma invoice. 8. Wait to check as time h invoice. approves manager ays later, the 9. Two d ation into e inform r th t to miss ally ente e care no 10. Manu tem. Tak ctly. ERP sys it incorre Finance/ or enter ation any inform details. lier bank eck supp 11. Ch aid. voice is p and 12. The in print out ce note, ittan rate rem er. 13. Gene ur suppli o post to y The only part of the process that the YourDMS automated Invoice Processing Solution doesn’t do! If your company needs a smarter, faster, streamlined approach to invoice processing, YourDMS have a solution for you. The YourDMS automated Invoice Processing Solution will save your business time and money, simplify monitoring and reporting, whilst dramatically improving accuracy and efficiency. And it will integrate with your inhouse Finance/ERP system. Whether supplier invoices are paper based or electronic, our system will capture, recognise, interpret and process them with little or no intervention. Isn’t it time for a better way of working? If you want to realise the full potential of an automated invoice processing solution call us on 01285 810606, email [email protected], visit or attend one of our seminars. For more information see page 26. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE OUR FEATURE ON PAGE 18 PROVIDERS OF BESPOKE, EFFICIENT DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS