The Business Exchange Swindon & Wiltshire April Edition | Page 4

BUSINESS NEWS Resilience Factor comes to Swindon “BUDGET PASSES THE BUSINESS TEST” SAYS SWINDON CHAMBER Nationwide Building Society is hosting a special gathering of the Swindon Mindful Employer Network this month which features the important business theme of resilience. Business wanted a Budget that was disciplined, focused, and geared toward the creation of wealth and jobs – and that’s what the Chancellor has delivered says Swindon Chamber. The Resilience Factor will explore how to take charge of your mind, challenging preconceived ideas and outdated practices, changing cultures and communicating the vision. David Latham of the Richmond Fellowship in Swindon who manages the Swindon Mindful Employer Network said: “It is an established fact that to build resilient businesses we firstly need to build a resilient workforce. The Resilience Factor will help local companies focus on strengthening mental and emotional resilience in order to face the growing demands of a challenging economic