The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 9: Autumn 2018 | Page 5

BUSINESS NEWS WHAT STEPS WILL BE TAKEN IN BATH TO REDUCE AIR POLLUTION? It may have come to the attention of businesses in Bath that issues around traffic, parking and pollution are moving to the top of the political agenda. Adam Reynolds, chairman of Cycle Bath We now know that by 2020 Bath will become a Clean Air Charging Zone with final decisions about what that will mean in practice being made in December this year. Therefore the time for the business community to have its say is now. Bath was named last year as one of 28 cities or towns in the UK with too high levels of nitrogen dioxide or ‘NO 2 hot spots’ and the Government has challenged relevant local authorities to come up with air quality improvement plans by 2021 at the latest. Nitrogen oxide has been linked to heart and lung problems to name a few. The city sees around 28,000 people commute by car every day and around 8,700 are residents. BANES has set itself the task of making Bath a functioning CAZ to bring down pollution in two years’ time. B&NES has outlined three options which are now open to consultation: Option 1 – Creating A Class B Clean Air Zone Charges will apply to higher- emission buses, coaches, private hires, taxis and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) driving in the zone. Option 2 – Class C Clean Air Zone Charges will apply to higher- emission vehicles as outlined for class B, plus higher-emission light goods vans (LGVs) when driving in the zone. Option 3 – Class D Clean Air Zone Charges will apply to higher emission vehicles as outlined for class B and C, plus higher- emission cars when driving in the zone. One man who has already get into the city, if you chose to come into the city in a polluting vehicle then you will have pay a levy for that.” Earlier this year Adam submitted a report to B&NES proposing a workplace parking tax as well as several other proposals. He’s since been told there is no money to take it forward at this time. However other British cities are looking seriously at such schemes. Nottingham City Council has already introduced a Workplace Parking Levy where employers with 11 parking France has already adopted the Crit Air scheme in several cities – including Paris - with Germany following behind. It’s likely more European countries will follow. Cars have to use an appropriate eco sticker – currently costing a few Euros - and there are stringent fines for those which don’t carry the Neighbourhood Schemes which are well-known in some European cities and some areas of London. These schemes are aimed to be more pedestrian and cycle friendly and reduce the incidents of people using residential streets as rat runs to elsewhere. appropriate ‘vignette’. Then drivers are required to make themselves aware of days when their vehicles are ‘banned’ from entering certain zones on days of high pollution. Adam and others are also advocates of Low Traffic To have your say visit: “About 55 per cent of air pollution is caused by cars” been sharing his views is Adam Reynolds, chairman of Cycle Bath, who wants to see a more holistic approach to solving parking issues, congestion and pollution in the city. “About 55 per cent of air pollution is caused by cars,” he said. “So just sticking to Option 1 is not going to work to bring pollution down sufficiently. Also many people are thinking this is a ‘congestion’ charge. It’s not. This is about making a choice on what type of vehicle you use to spaces or more – for employees or associates - have to pay a tax with the city council boundary to fund public transport. The latest tax for 2018 to 2019 is £402 per space. A similar scheme is being considered in Oxford. These suggestions are in line with changes which are already happening in cities across Europe – where on days when pollution is particularly high, many vehicles are simply banned from entering. breathes-2021 or feedback on social media using the hashtag #BathBreathes2021 F I R S T C L A SS H O S P I TA L I T Y EX P E RI E N CE S W I TH AWA R D WINNING FOOD THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2018 5