The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 8: Summer 2018 | Page 21

TECHNOLOGY Cambridge Analytica What would happen if tech was used for good? by Nathan Baranowski, ojo solutions By now, everyone has heard of the Cambridge Analytica scandal – the marketing company that abused Facebook’s app functionality to steal the data of millions. The firm combined data mining and analysis with a view to influence the actions of those it targeted. While this is fairly standard marketing behaviour, the key issues were the empirical lack of consent from those involved, the abuse of privileges, and the ultimate use of the data. While people understand their data will be used to sell them certain services, and indeed accept it as a foregone conclusion at this point, using personal information to sway elections is a step too far. Such was the public outcry that Cambridge Analytica considered a rebrand to Emerdata… a move rejected by parent company founder Nigel Oakes. All in all, the issues with Cambridge Analytica have left a bad taste in the mouth of the business community. Not only has the company (rightfully) earned the ire of the public, but it has soured the thought process behind big data. As with facial recognition technology, businesses are struggling to have the business 20/01/2017 benefit shine a5-ad.pdf through when 1 certain actors use the technology for nefarious purposes. So, the question must be asked, what could this data have been used for in the hands of a more benevolent benefactor? Let’s assume, for a moment, that this data was secured entirely above board. The relevant permissions were gained, the right processes followed, and disclosures were made in line with regulations. What would happen if this data was used for good? First, it’s important to interpret what data was actually used by Cambridge Analytica. The original app that took advantage of Facebook’s API (Application programming interface) was called ‘thisisyourdigitallife’, pulling data from 270,000 people, as well as their friends, family and connections – around 50m users. At the time, Facebook’s API allowed access to: actions; activities; birthdays; education; hometown; interests; locations; relationships; work history and, of course, politics. This is, however, only a selection of the information. 10:01 MEDICAL RISK What happens if we look at interests, work history and activities of people in specific locations? Could we then extrapolate and assess which occupations and habits are most likely to lead to heart disease? To diabetes? Could we use that information to provide warnings to local businesses – to provide advice and strategies for improving the health of at-risk workers? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES By assessing birthdays, hometowns, interests and work history, businesses could assess where the greatest allocations of specific workers are. Should a company be looking to construct a new factory, they could know ahead of time the best locations to consider – providing employment where it’s needed. EMPLOYMENT RISKS OR POTENTIAL What happens when a business closes - what do the previous employees do? How many relocate to other areas versus staying in the same location? For larger business, employment displacement is a fact of life. Governmental bodies, through assessing work history, location and activities, could accurately map the spread of talent away from certain areas, providing real strategies for employment in the long-term. Technology, at its heart, is just a tool. In the right hands it can be used to build, and in the wrong hands it can be used to destroy. At a fundamental level, technology should be used for the good of others – to provide a real benefit to humanity as a whole. Big Data is a huge part of this potential – it not only allows businesses to make accurate decisions based on the data that is held, but can even make healthcare more effective, for example. This progression becomes harder as the pendulous nature of public opinion shifts. Cambridge Analytica has not only damaged their own company in this abuse of data but may have set back the progress of big data adoption as a result. solutions C M Y CM MY enhancing your business using cutting edge technology CY CMY K 01225 220155 #makingtechnologywork THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2018 21