The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 7: Spring 2018 | Page 28
By Chris Spratling
A few weeks back I was talking with a client. As this business
owner described his woes to me about how he was struggling
with poor leadership skills, he described the performance of some
of his leaders by saying,“With some of our managers, I swear our
employees only follow them out of curiosity!!”
The lack of leadership skills, an inability to engender
respect and overall poor performance was killing his profits.
Unfortunately, while his way of describing his leaders was a
novel one, the existence of poor leadership is anything but
a novelty.
As a business leader for the past 25 years I’ve witnessed
more ineffective leadership examples than I care to
remember. And nothing impacts the overall health of the
organisation more negatively than bad leadership!
In all those years, however, I’ve also noticed a significant
trend among companies where leadership is not an issue.
Over and over again those leaders who elicit the best
from their direct reports, who achieve higher performance
objectives, who have lower turnover and who’s companies
grow more, all share some basic natural talents for
leadership. They all share competencies that the under-
performing leaders simply do not possess.
The ability to:
1.Envision an Outcome i.e. to think conceptually and see
the big-picture.
2.Understand Others – Often called “Emotional
Intelligence” this is the ability to accurately understand
those being lead.
3.Inspire Others – by effectively communicating the
company vision and achieving buy in.
4.Understand Themselves – the ability to objectively
understand one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
While many assume these are traits that can be taught,
or acquired, in reality research has proven that for the most
part they are based on a person’s natural behavioral style
and personality;
Most organisations struggle because they fail to measure
these talents. These traits remain intangible and therefore,
since we can’t see them, we can’t manage them and they
don’t get factored into the leadership equation.
There’s an old quote that goes, “Hire for hard skills –
fire for soft skills.” Basically, this means that we often hire
people based on the tangible hard skills like experience,
their CV, education etc…..
Conversely, leaders often have to fire people because
they do not possess the intangible soft traits that so
significantly drive performance as a leader.
The most successful companies do a much better
job of making these intangible traits tangible, visible
and quantified, and use this knowledge in hiring and
developmental scenarios.
The results: human turnover goes down, productivity
goes up and overall profitability increases.
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