The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 5: Autumn 2017 | Page 24

INVEST IN BATH The latest news from Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Business Growth & Development team By Councillor Paul Myers, Cabinet Member for Economic and Community Regeneration, Bath and North East Somerset Council. The Bath and North East Somerset area is a great place to do business. Our business community is connected, collaborative, and inventive. The vast majority of businesses in Bath and North East Somerset – 99.5% - employ less than 250 people. Of these, a whopping 89% employ less than 10 people. These businesses create jobs and help to strengthen our communities, and a huge amount of passion and hard work is poured into them by small business owners who are usually very involved when it comes to day-to-day operations. A substantial network of free business support has been created to help those small business owners make the best strategic decisions, and make new ideas work. Free support is also available to encourage more people to start their own business, helping to ensure that those businesses have the best chance of survival. These services are being funded by a range of organisations across the West of England – including Bath and North East Somerset Council. Certain activities are also part funded by the European Regional Development Fund. We’ve highlighted here some of the programmes underway and available right now to businesses and residents based in Bath and North East Somerset. We’ve had great feedback from businesses using the services, as you’ll see below. So don’t put it off – get in touch! You can find out more about local, sub-regional and national business support, grant funding schemes, workspace projects and useful events at The West of England Growth Hub is also a great source of support information for local businesses – for more information see YOUR STARTING POINT: THE BATH AND NORTH EAST SOMERSET BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICE: www.investinbath/business/support/getadvice A great starting point for SME business owners and new entrepreneurs looking to discuss business ideas and goals. This free service, which is part of the Enterprising West of England programme (see below), is available to anyone living or running an SME business in Bath and North East Somerset. Since 2013, the service has helped over 90 businesses to start, and has offered advice to over 700 small business owners operating in a range of sectors, including retail, creative and digital, and professional services. Face-to-face time is available with experienced and approachable SME advisors Cool Ventures. Ideas can be bounced, problems dissected, and potential strategies for start-up, survival and growth discussed. Specialist advice (for example accountancy, property and IP advice) is also The Enterprising West of England Programme supports SME businesses across the West of England LEP region Delivered in partnership with: 24 THE BUSINESS EXCHANGE 2017 Funded by: available. A workshop programme covers a range of topics including Starting in Business, Finance Basics and marketing strategy. Advisors can refer you to more intensive support within the Enterprising West of England programme where appropriate. Brett Edgecombe, owner of IT consultancy 101 Data Solutions, is clear about the benefits of the service. “Cool Ventures helped us to look at our business objectively, with fresh eyes. We worked with them to develop a strategy, and implement processes which offer the very best service to customers. We’ve had great feedback and would highly recommend the service to other small businesses.”