The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 33: Summer 2024 | Page 4


Editor & Founder Anita Jaynes Anita @ tbesw . co . uk
Editorial Support Ben Carey & Nick Batten press @ tbesw . co . uk
Special Features Fiona Scott Fiona @ fionascott . co . uk
Design Juicy Designs www . juicy-designs . co . uk
Artwork Studio Creative Services www . studio-cs . co . uk
Printed by Acorn Press www . acornpress . co . uk
On the cover Stan the Cockerpoo , Rengen House
Advertising Sales Sian Swift Business Development Manager Sian @ tbesw . co . uk T : 07710 566 145
Follow us on Social @ TBEBATH The Business Exchange South West tbebathandsomerset businessexchangesw
TBE Charity Conference & Expo set to drive positive change
04 Business News
24 People
30 Business Support
35 Property
38 Technology
41 Positive Business
42 Connect
Building the Dream Team
28 Focus on Mental Health 40 Spotlight on volunteering
Cover story : Yappy People
21 In Profile : Ram Jalasutram , Executive Chef , Macdonald Bath Spa Hotel
24 Derek Swift reflects on 30 years in accountancy
© The Business Exchange South West Limited 2024 .
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that adverts and articles appear correctly , The Business Exchange South West Limited cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication . The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor . All rights reserved . This publication is copyrighted and no part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written permission of The Business Exchange South West Limited .
Readership : 15,000 Our audience : 56 % business owner / director level 44 % partner , manager or senior executive
This issue has a rather celebratory feel to it . There ’ s lots of positivity in the air at the moment and you know what they say ? Positivity breeds positivity and success . After much uncertainty , business growth is on the up . Turn to page 4 to read the results of NatWest ’ s most recent survey which reveals the fastest rise in new business for two years . This paired with the news that inflation has fallen to 2.3 %, promotes greater confidence in the economy , even if we are heading into a General Election .
Many local firms are also currently celebrating business milestones and accomplishments , including Bath ’ s Nine Feet Tall who were named in the Sunday Times ‘ Best Places to Work ’ 2024 .
I think it ’ s fair to say that none of this
TBE Awards now open for entry
success would have been achieved without the power of teamwork . Turn to page 14 to read our special feature on building the dream team and what makes the winning formula .
If you ’ re producing exceptional work in your business and feel you deserve recognition , why not enter the TBE Awards ? Turn to pages 18-19 to find out more about the categories and how entering awards can boost your organisation ’ s credentials . There ’ s even a ‘ Dream Team ’ category !
At TBE we have a busy summer planned with several events in the diary . It ’ s our Charity Conference & Expo on 13th June ( find out more on page 5 ). I can ’ t wait to bring the community together to discuss ‘ driving positive change ’ the theme for this year ’ s event . Join us on the day if you ’ re passionate about what ’ s happening in our community and want to make a difference .
More news at : www . tbebathandsomerset . co . uk and www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk
Bath Digital Festival highlights
The day is open to charities , not for profits , businesses and individuals and is free to attend .
We are also excited to be hosting our first business show on 12th September at Bath Racecourse . Find out more about what ’ s planned for the day on page 7 .
I hope to see you at one of our events soon .
Here ’ s to a sunny summer figuratively and literally !
Anita Jaynes , Founder E : anita @ tbesw . co . uk T : 01225 300043