The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 31: Spring 2024 | Page 5


Acting Editor Ben Carey Ben @ tbesw . co . uk
Sub-Editor Nick Batten Nick @ tbesw . co . uk
Special Features Fiona Scott Fiona @ fionascott . co . uk
Design Juicy Designs www . juicy-designs . co . uk
Artwork Studio Creative Services www . studio-cs . co . uk
Printed by Acorn Press www . acornpress . co . uk
On the cover Queen Camilla visits Bath
Advertising Sales Sian Swift Business Development Manager Sian @ tbesw . co . uk T : 07710 566 145
Follow us on Social @ TBEBATH The Business Exchange South West tbebathandsomerset businessexchangesw
Cover story : Queen Camilla marks St John ’ s Foundation ’ s special anniversary
04 Business News
12 People
22 Finance
33 Technology
38 Property
49 Positive Business
52 Connect
Bath ’ s Most Inspiring Women 2024 - As voted by you - Sponsored by Milsted Langdon
42 A2Z Guide to local business
50 Rainforest Concern celebrates 30th anniversary
Business resilience in the face of uncertainty
22 Farewell Q & A with Kevin Gray , CEO , Bath Building Society
23 Meet Jonathan Knee , Founder , Knee Financial Planning
© The Business Exchange South West Limited 2024 .
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that adverts and articles appear correctly , The Business Exchange South West Limited cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication . The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor . All rights reserved . This publication is copyrighted and no part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written permission of The Business Exchange South West Limited .
Readership : 15,000 Our audience : 56 % business owner / director level 44 % partner , manager or senior executive
Where you see these icons , you will find interactive content when viewing the magazine online .
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Welcome to the spring edition of TBE Bath . Spring is a time of new beginnings , spring cleans , preparing for growth and getting set for the new financial year ahead .
In this issue we look at business resilience and preparing for the unexpected to ensure business success and continuity , from cashflow to staffing , cyber security and more .
It ’ s funny how this feature has fallen , as for this issue I had to take a back step from the everyday running of TBE to go into hospital to give birth to my first child , Honor Eugéne .
For the last ten plus years , TBE has been my baby and handing over the reins was a frightening thought , regardless of how much I ’ d prepared for this moment and
‘ Monster networking ’ with House of Frankenstein
trusted my team to take over . However , I needn ’ t have worried an ounce . TBE has run seamlessly in my absence . A huge thanks to Ben , Nick , Sian , Steve , Fiona and Dale for working together to ensure TBE ’ s continuity and success . TBE has many facets and requires different skillsets to keep the cogs turning from hosting events , to sending out newsletters , looking after our clients and VIP members , to keeping the websites updated and producing magazines . It ’ s a bit of a beast !
It ’ s been so lovely to take a back seat and fully concentrate on my new little human , knowing my business is in safe hands . Time away from TBE has also made the cogs turn with new ideas forming to make our planned schedule this year extra
More news at : www . tbebathandsomerset . co . uk and www . tbeswindonandwilts . co . uk
The TBE Awards : Get ready for the launch
special . I ’ m looking forward to seeing many of you for the first time this year at our Cumberwell Big Breakfast on 25th April ( details on page 54 ). Hopefully see you there !
Anita Jaynes , Founder E : anita @ tbesw . co . uk T : 01225 300043