Apprenticeships are changing
Seven ways you can make the new apprenticeship standards work for your business from Bath College .
The government is changing the way apprenticeships are funded and delivered . As part of this , apprenticeship standards are replacing the old apprenticeship frameworks . To help businesses get up to date , we ’ ve put together a quick guide with some important tips .
WHAT ARE APPRENTICESHIP STANDARDS ? Apprenticeship standards are replacing the old apprenticeship frameworks – these are a document covering the statutory requirements for an apprenticeship programme .
The new standards are being developed by ‘ trailblazers ’ which are employer-led groups . The aim is make sure qualifications are rigorous and suit the needs of employers
How can I make the new standards work for my business ?
1 . Embrace an alternative route into industry You may have seen the news about plans to recruit apprentices within the police force for the first time . New apprenticeship standards are being developed to offer alternative career routes . Take a look and see if new options are available to you as an employer .
2 . Look at the apprenticeship standards which already exist for the roles within your organisation The standards show what an apprentice will be doing and the skills required of them . Each standard will include details like the duration of the apprenticeship , core knowledge and entry requirements .
3 . Consider whether your current training programmes are suitable for future apprenticeships If you currently run training programmes for your staff , you need to be thinking whether these are suitable for conversion to apprenticeship programmes .
4 . Could roles within your organisation be included on a higher apprenticeships programme ? The traditional view of apprenticeships revolves around employing young people from school at 16 into lower level positions within industry .
Whilst this is still the case for a number of apprenticeships , it is not the whole story . Apprenticeship programmes can go up to NVQ Level 6 , the equivalent of an undergraduate honours degree .
This means that the next generation of engineers , computer developers and chartered accountants can be trained under apprenticeship programmes .
5 . You have purchasing power – make sure you use this . As part of the new system , businesses can choose where to spend funding for an apprentice . Use your purchasing power to make sure your apprentices are getting highquality and relevant training with the right training provider . Our apprenticeship team at Bath College is onhand to offer expert advice .
At Bath College , we work with businesses to help them develop apprenticeship programmes in line with their training needs . Our priority is to help your company grow and make sure you maximise the return on your investment . Contact the Bath Training & Apprenticeship Hub to find out about more about how our team could help your business .
What Bath College employers say ...
“ You get a better fit hiring apprentices . It gives them the opportunity to try you out and you have the opportunity to try them out , to show them your way of working . That ’ s the benefit of getting someone straight from college- you get someone fresh who will learn your style , adapt and take on who you are as a business .”
European Student Placement Agency ( ESPA UK ) - Business Administration apprentices
“ We ’ re working with Bath College because we like to use local people and to give young people an opportunity . I want to train up people that will be with us over a number of years ”.
Bath Aqua Glass Jewellery Making apprentices
“ The apprenticeship team at Bath College is very good at keeping us in the loop . As an employer I have so much going on and since we ’ ve come to Bath College it ’ s been the easiest group of apprentices I ’ ve had to deal with . I think our team can see how the apprentices apply what they ’ ve learnt at college – it ’ s certainly reflected in their work when they come back to us .”
The Bristol Port Company - Electrical Engineers , Mechanical Engineers and Fabric Welding apprentices
For more info : www . bathcollege . ac . uk apprenticeships @ bathcollege . ac . uk 01225 328720