The concert will take place on Friday April 7 at Bath Pavilion to raise vital funds for three chosen charities .
Sounds of the City will bring together some of Bath ’ s best home-grown talent , including headliner Clyve , The Bellefleurs , Simon Allen and Steve Robinson .
The charities set to benefit are The Mayor of Bath ’ s Relief Fund that supports Bath residents during hard times . The fund is the last resort for most that have exhausted all other channels . GLL , the charitable social enterprise that delivers health and community services across the UK . In Bath they manage Bath Sports and Leisure Centre as well as several golf courses and sports grounds . And , The Martin Roberts Foundation , a community interest company set up to raise funds to print and distribute Martin ’ s children ’ s book Sadsville , to all
nine and ten year olds in the UK . The book was created to help primary school pupils who may be suffering abuse or neglect to get help and directs them to the NSPCC ’ s support service Childline .
The Mayor said :“ I am delighted to be working with the Pavilion and local musicians to put on a concert with a great line up of artists from the Bath area . It will be a fantastic night . It is also brilliant to be working in partnership with local TV star Martin Roberts . In addition to a night of music and dancing we hope to raise cash to help vulnerable families and children in our city .”
Many businesses have already got behind the event as sponsors including Cedar Care who is main sponsor . Ash Desai from Cedar Care said :
“ Cedar Care has been in Bath since 1992
and is an integral part of its community by providing care and services for older people . Our services have always been responsive to the needs of the community and we continue to work with the local authority to increase options and improve the wellbeing our older citizens . We are therefore delighted to sponsor the Mayor ’ s Charity Concert in support of the Mayor of Bath ’ s Relief Fund , The Martin Roberts Foundation and GLL .”
“ The charities are of particular interest to us as their work is at the heart of improving community life for everyone : funds for people in Bath who are in distress or hardship and the enhancement of community leisure and sports activities . We are also excited about the Sadsville Campaign and look forward to the free distribution of inspirational books for
young children . Our care homes are very much a part of the community and we feel privileged to be able to contribute to charities that make such a positive difference in the day to day life of the people who live Bath .”
Supporting the Mayor ’ s event is former Mayor of Bath Loraine Morgan-Brinkhurst MBE who runs an events business in the city and is well known for supporting many charities . Loraine is coordinating all the administration for the concert .
Tickets are being sold by Bath Box office for £ 12.50 with a price of £ 15 if bought on the door . To find out more visit : www . bathboxoffice . org . uk For further event information contact Loraine on : 01225 823004 or email : events @ morganbrinkhurstconsultancy . co . uk