The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 29: Autumn 2023 | Page 41



Celebrating this milestone and our commitment to Bath , the local community , our clients and friends .


hat began as a small company in 2008 with just two founding members , has grown to be a leading property development and consultancy business employing more than 60 staff across 3 offices .
Over the past fifteen years , our growth comes from the expertise , commitment and drive of our staff , the excellent relationships we have with our clients , local community and the diversity in our offering .
We are immensely proud of our fifteen years of trading with the development business across the South West and London . We have enjoyed year-on-year growth and during this time we have developed an exceptional skill base which has been deployed on a multi sector basis .
The last three years has seen exponential growth in terms of both our development and trading operation . Our portfolio has grown and currently we have £ 250 million of assets under management and our aim is to double in size over a three-year period whist continuing to build our reputation and deployable skills .
Our focus for trading covers student lets , co-living , build to rent , co-working , office and commercial use classes . We see these trading use class areas as key to our growth throughout the South West and London .
Given the centres where we operate we will continue to acquire and deliver a mix of uses relevant to the local planning environment , which will allow us enhanced times to site delivery .
As part of our wider trading operation our delivery business Iesis Group continues to flourish . Our ability to integrate development and delivery under one trading operation provides distinct advantages with regards speed to market and scalability over our competitors in our key target destinations .
To achieve our projected growth in asset base it is important for us to attract and secure further strategic partner arrangements and subsequent investment into our plans . This builds on our experience with other joint venture relationships , which have enjoyed excellent returns on investments .
Finally , and importantly our expansion goes hand in hand with our commitment to sustainable development , reuse of brownfield sites , quality of life generated through our integral understanding of the planning process and the economic and social impact our developments deliver within our strategic target cities .
www . rengendevelopments . com | www . iesisgroup . com