The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 29: Autumn 2023 | Page 35


A Decade of Driving Change

Digital Wonderlab ' s mission to create a positive digital future .
We ' re not another digital agency . Embracing a digital-first approach , our vision is a to create a positive future for all . From the start , we have blazed a unique trail focussed on making a positive impact on the lives of our community . Over the years , we ' ve built strong partnerships with other likeminded businesses , charities , and social enterprises and , working together , we ' ve driven real positive change . Through innovation , strategy , and design , our digital platforms have transformed how our partners operate , helping them to achieve their objectives and continue to impact the lives of the people they support .
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP a more inclusive , accessible , and agile lending experience . The solution we delivered , in partnership with GWCU , radically modernised and digitised their entire operations . By automating loan applications and lending decision-making , they saw an uplift on applications of 27 % and processing time reduced from 9 days to just one .
Protecting our environment is the single greatest thing we can do to improve the lives of people globally . It has been estimated that , by 2030 , climate change could push more than 120 million more people into poverty , according to Action Aid . At Digital Wonderlab , we are committed to doing our bit to change that . We want to live in a world where everyone has safe housing , clean air to breathe , and access to cheap , environmentally friendly transport . That ' s why we ' ve Joined forces with the B Corp movement and signed up to the " 1 % for the Planet " initiative .
“ Digital Wonderlab has always championed positive change . Our ethos is rooted in community and global well-being . By aligning with global movements , we ’ re driving change from the ground up .”
Nathan Baranowski , CEO of Digital Wonderlab .
loneliness and create a supportive community in the stars . The impact ? 97 % of young people who ' ve seen Lonely Not Alone took positive action and did something to help others . The site reached 97 countries , connecting young people across the globe .
“ We now present a much more modern and device-responsive impression to the world , and tech is making a big difference in allowing us to achieve our strategic direction .”
James Berry , CEO , Great Western Credit Union .
At a time when 41 % of year 6 pupils in England are leaving primary school without meeting the expected standards in literacy , it is more important than ever to get children excited about reading . To tackle this issue , The Reading Agency launched an ambitious initiative . Working alongside Digital Wonderlab , they created The Reading Adventure , a game designed to help children that struggle with reading to improve their skills , whilst sparking a lifelong passion for reading . The game was built with inclusivity in mind and is designed to be accessible regardless of ability , tech or internet speed .
Since launching , Digital Wonderlab ’ s focus has never been just technology ; it ' s been about finding opportunities to make positive change by leveraging technology . A decade in , our footprint spans lives , communities , and ecosystems , and we ’ re incredibly proud of the work we ’ ve done so far . If you share our mission to create change , we ’ d love to speak to you .
Technology has made it easier than ever to connect with those around us . But is everyone truly connected ? The numbers would suggest not . According to The Campaign to End Loneliness , in 2022 , 49.63 % of adults ( 25.99 million people ) in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally , often or always , with 7.1 % of people in Great Britain ( 3.83 million ) experiencing chronic loneliness . " Lonely Not Alone ," one of our pivotal projects with Effervescent , sought to break down the walls of youth loneliness . Empowerment was the key — providing a space for young people to share their stories of
Powered by over 20,000 local members , Great Western Credit Union ’ s ( GWCU ) mission is to make the communities and people it serves better off . It provides access to credit for those in need , as well as offering responsible financial advice and ethical loan and savings opportunities . GWCU approached Digital Wonderlab with the aim of creating
To find out more about Digital Wonderlab and how we can help your organisation ... visit : www . digitalwonderlab . com email : hello @ digitalwonderlab . com
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