The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 29: Autumn 2023 | Page 29


Reflecting on anniversaries by Kevin Gray , Chief Executive , Bath Building Society

By nature , I am not a big celebrator of landmark dates , preferring instead to focus on what the future has in store . However , I have recently been informed by my colleagues that this coming November I will have been at Bath Building Society ( BBS ) for 25 years . That got me thinking about the past and how lucky I have been .
It may be only my employment ‘ silver anniversary ’ but the last quarter of a century working at BBS has been more of a golden period for me . I have had the honour of serving as a Board Director for 21 years with the last five being as Chief Executive . Through good and bad economic times , it has been a privilege to serve our Members and to work with so many quite fantastic people . I ’ ve frankly loved every minute of what has been a really fulfilling period in my professional life .
I am reliably informed that The Business Exchange ( TBE ) is also celebrating its 10th birthday this year . I send my congratulations to everyone involved in keeping your magnificent publication going over the last 10 years . I took the chance to reflect back to where BBS was at when TBE was born
in 2013 . The financial industry was still very much in a recovery phase after the disastrous financial crash of the noughties . Increased regulation was forcing all financial institutions to ‘ up their game ’. The rules around mortgage lending had been tightened to include , for the first time , a borrower affordability test which aimed to ensure that
“ the Society ' s balance sheet is almost 40 % bigger than it was back in 2013 ”
monthly mortgage payments would remain affordable even if interest rates rose . With CPI inflation being at 2.7 % and the Bank of England ( BOE ) base interest rate being at
0.5 %, a common perception seemed to exist amongst the government , the media and the public that an era of super low interest rates and cheap finance was here for ever . Those of us who have been in financial services for a long time knew better however .
Flash forward to 2023 ! The BOE is now very much in a ‘ no gain without the pain ’ mindset and hence base rate has just increased to 5.25 % in response to stubbornly high CPI inflation of 7.9 %. The cost of all types of finance is significantly higher than it was 10 years ago and business and household finances are under pressure . The one saving grace is that increases in mortgage arrears have so far been quite low , probably partly due to the loan affordability rules that operated over the last decade . For once , this was a good piece of regulation .
BBS ’ s strategy targets steady asset growth over rapid expansion and contraction and the Society ’ s balance sheet is almost 40 % bigger than it was back in 2013 .
BBS will celebrate its 120th anniversary next year which will give my colleagues another moment to reflect on where we have come from and where we are going . Although the Society has changed beyond all recognition since its early days , the purpose that continues to drive it forward has not changed at all since 1904 . It continues to focus on bettering the lives of its Members .
If you think that BBS can help your future , then please call us on 01225 423271 .

Regular savings . Minimal withdrawals . Huge benefits .

This Regular Saver account is suitable for customers who are looking to regularly save and will rarely need access to these funds . As a result of the restricted number of withdrawals , the account pays a higher rate of interest at 4.19 % ( AER )*.
Terms & conditions apply to all of our Savings Accounts . To find out more and apply online , visit our website www . bathbuildingsociety . co . uk or call into one of our Branches .
* AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year . Terms and conditions apply to our Regular Saver account . Available to existing customers who have held a mortgage or savings account with Bath Building Society for at least 12 months , or new customers who live , work or study in Bath . All account holders must be aged 18 or over . A payment between £ 20 and £ 250 must be deposited into the account each month . Lump sum deposits will not be allowed . Only one withdrawal is allowed per calendar year , without penalty . Bath Investment & Building Society is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority , Registration Number 206026 .