CELEBRATING TEN YEARS OF TBE in print – online – networking – events – awards
September 2023 marks The Business Exchange ’ s tenth anniversary , having launched in Wiltshire in September 2013 .
In the last decade TBE has not stood still , continually expanding its reach and impact in our local community .
Our approach is to join up print , digital and in-person events for ultimate impact , driving new relationships and regional growth .
From the start , TBE was designed with community at its heart , a vehicle to share news , connect people and help build meaningful and long-lasting relationships . At The Business Exchange we ’ re not about quick wins and we believe our
OUR 10 YEAR TIMELINE community of followers has the same ethos . It ’ s all about the long game and creating a truly supportive community around us . Many of our advertisers and sponsors have been with us from the beginning , forming true partnerships . We work hard to ensure all our clients see their profile rise and their relationships increase , garnering real growth in turnover and profits over time . This is the true key to our success .
‘ Positive Business ’ is part of TBE ’ s DNA . We ’ re all about getting behind local causes and campaigns to help raise awareness and drive fundraising efforts . Campaigns we have supported include : sleeping out to raise awareness of youth homelessness in Bath for Bath Rugby Foundation ; taking part in Dorothy House Hospice Care ’ s Always Here Appeal helping to raise over £ 471,000 in 36 hours ; and supporting youth charity Inner Flame with the organisation of their annual Young Champions evening . As we have such a strong audience , we feel it ’ s our duty to use it to drive change for good .
To mark this business milestone we have refreshed The Business Exchange brand . For a number of years , we have been affectionately known as TBE by many of our readers and we have now embraced this fully . We ’ re excited to uncover this new grown-up look , which we believe shows where we are headed and how we ’ re punching above our weight for an independent , regional publisher .
12 www . tbebathandsomerset . co . uk