The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 27: Spring 2023 | Page 35

Employees are the lifeblood of every organisation and their health and wellbeing is central to the sustainable running of a business . Managers and business leaders have a duty of care to provide the support that their staff need to stay well and to carry out the terms of their engagement without detriment to health .
The BCA also found that two fifths or workers who spend much of their workday sitting find it difficult to take a break - only 6 % reported that they are encouraged to do so . Sitting at a workstation for extended periods is not only a trigger for back pain , it can exacerbate an existing back condition .
Every responsible employer knows that looking after employees ’ welfare is not only the right thing to do for their staff , but that it makes good economic sense . Happy
employees are the best ambassadors for your business , which can save employers thousands of pounds when it comes to retaining and gaining new staff . Especially in a candidate led market .
Our experienced team of physios , chiropractors and sports therapists At The Core can support local employers to put in place a programme that encourages good musculoskeletal health in the workplace .
Along with MBST ® therapy , we have a range of services and therapies that are designed to help patients stay mobile and lead a healthy and active life .
Call us to find out how we can help individual members of your team find relief from back pain and return to work . It makes perfect business sense .
‘ I can honestly say , I am pain free for the first time in many years !’
- Matt Leonard , Director , Winkworth Bath
Conditions we treat ?
• Actively encourage employees to take regular work breaks . There is excellent published material to help employers and HR teams , including the Employer Musculoskeletal Wellbeing Toolkit from Business in the Community in association with The Prince ’ s Trust .
• Place individual employees at the centre of their workplace wellbeing - the design of their workspace both at home and at work , especially with hybrid working being commonplace in many businesses post the pandemic . The implementation of workplace accommodations , especially for those returning to work with back and musculoskeletal issues , should be an employer priority .
• Create a workplace culture where workers are confident to disclose that they have a chronic condition and give them access to flexible working hours or assistive technologies .
• Back & neck pain
• Intervertebral disc conditions
• Tendon & ligament damage
• Osteoarthritis & osteoporosis
• Sports & accident injuries
• Bone conditions & damage
Therapies we use :
• Physiotherapy
• MBST ® therapy
• Soft tissue therapy
• Dry needling
• Myofascial cupping
• Nutrition therapy
01225 46 1205 info @ thecore . health At The Core , Unit 3 , Beehive Yard , Walcot Street , Bath BA1 5BT
Non-invasive Pain-free Non-surgical