The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 25: Autumn 2022 | Page 20

@ interactionltd |

It ’ s time for Primed

Being able to offer a pre-fitted workspace to potential clients :
Primed is Interaction ’ s “ plug and play ” programme - designed to deliver high-quality , fast-turnaround workspaces that attract best-in-class tenants and “ just work ” from the minute they get the keys .
Speeds up acquisition Reduces rent voids
Provides a convenient and reliable advantage in a fast-moving market
Dieter Wood , Managing Director
“ At Interaction we deliver Perfection at Pace - our team are well-versed in turning around high-quality fit-outs at speed for some of the UK ’ s most ambitious landlords and flex space providers .
Primed is the culmination of this expertise , bought together in a package designed to meet the needs of landlords and providers alike .”
Scan to see Primed in action
@ interactionltd |
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