The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 25: Autumn 2022 | Page 11


Be Prepared and Keep Calm

Marketing and Talent Consultant Lauren Prince is well-known in the Bath business community . Alongside her work life , Lauren ’ s love of golf is helping to raise her profile through her Instagram account Guilty of Golf .
She left university with a business and management degree and began her career in marketing and events in Cardiff and London . She then moved back to Bath and worked in talent acquisition which enabled her to establish a network of connections around the city .
Lauren helps to run Marketers of Bath ( MOB ), a marketing network in the city and now balances freelance work with her love of golf , managing her social media page which has developed into a main work stream .
Lauren said , “ I was first introduced to golf in 2018 . As somebody who likes to buck the trend , I was partly drawn to the sport by the lack of female participation , hence my social media name ‘ Guilty of Golf !’
“ There were some unexpected opportunities and silver linings created by the pandemic , and for me this came in the form of an acceleration in my dedication to golf .
“ What started off as an interest became a passion , and whether practicing in the garden , watching YouTube videos or eventually getting on to the course , I well and truly got the bug and found a community of new golfers online that had a very different approach to the

Strength of Leadership

sport , who didn ’ t conform to golf ’ s normal stereotype .
“ I began documenting my golf lifestyle on Instagram in lockdown , to raise awareness of women ’ s golf and to find other likeminded females to play with . As things progressed , I started working with various sports brands who were also on a similar mission .
“ Since then , I have been working with professionals in the golf fashion industry and actively running women ’ s events , trying to showcase the sport in a way that appeals to women and how this sport can fit in to your lifestyle .
Lauren believes that her time on the fairway has helped her in the world of work and vice versa , with the synergy of business and sport offering a range of benefits .
In June , The Business Exchange and Guilty of Golf ran a networking event to encourage women in the business community to learn the basics of golf . The event was the catalyst for a host of connections being made , leading to new collaborations and ideas .
“ Golf is a great business and networking tool that allows you to socialise and meet lots of new people . I now regularly catch up and
hold meetings on the golf course as there is plenty of time to chat , whilst getting some fresh air .
“ It has also helped me to learn that being calm and rational when things aren ’ t going your way always leads to better outcomes . When you find yourself in a tricky situation , recognise that its ok to take backward step to get yourself back on track . Don ’ t try and blag it . Preparation and practice are key to successful outcomes .”
For those looking to boost their business acumen on the green , Bath is arguably one of the best places to be .
“ There are lots of facilities in and around Bath for golfers ,” added Lauren . “ Bath Golf Club and Lansdown Golf Club are wellestablished members clubs , both with fantastic views and a good club atmosphere . “ We also have Kingsdown , Tracy Park , Farrington Park , Cumberwell Park , Saltford and The Manor House at Castle Combe close by , so there ’ s plenty of choice . All have excellent practice and course facilities for established golfers and beginners , with various tiered memberships on offer .
“ Don ’ t be afraid to visit and give it a go , the ranges are a perfect way to start and the clubs will be happy to pair you up with partners of a similar standard .”
“ Golf is a great business and networking tool that allows you to socialise and meet lots of new people ”
Intrinsically linking business and sport , Simon Halliday has helped to establish a wine club with a difference . Sporting Wine Club ’ s USP is that it offers a portfolio of estate-bottled , multi-award-winning wines and spirits from around the world with strong and authentic relationships to sport .
Before setting up the business with Co-Founder Chris Mariner , Simon had an impressive background in competitive sport , having played rugby and cricket at university before settling on the former as a centre for Bath , Harlequins and England in the 1980s .
Following his retirement as a player in 1992 , Simon turned his hand to coaching and worked on the RFU Council for a decade as well as taking up positions as Director of Rugby at Bath and Harlequins and working as a selector for the British and Irish Lions .
Now he is putting his sporting background to use in business as the Sporting Wine Club goes from strength to strength .
Supplying to a mix of subscribers , corporate clients , events , clubs and stadiums , the business prides itself on the authenticity of its sporting connections .
Recently , Simon and his team supplied a
Malbec made at Lionel Messi ’ s vineyard to guests at Wembley Stadium during a game between Argentina and Italy .
Simon explained his thoughts on the links between sport and business .
“ The business of sport is an interesting one – there ’ s a lot written on it . When competing in sport at a high level we talk about fine margins ; it ’ s the combination of bringing different skills and relationships together .
“ It ’ s the same in business . You have to combine views and opinions to get the best out of your team and you have to show leadership . If you can create leadership in sport and get the best from it you can transfer it to the world of business . Yes , you need talent and ability , but you need to be able to work with people .
“ Sport has a lot of lessons to teach people including strength of leadership on and off field . If you have strong leadership in business and you have a better chance of success . Your leadership skills are what your employees take their cue from - you need to know how to deal with adversity , keep people enthusiastic and look to opportunities ahead .”
Simon ’ s strong links with Bath have
brought him back to the city after 30 years away , and he is now looking towards a bright future both personally and professionally in the city where his rugby career began for him .
“ Bath is a small place and when I lived and worked here in the 1980s , when Bath was at top of its game , everyone knew the team and there was a huge attendance at games . There was a real buzz and support from the business community and it gave Bath an identity .
“ Recently Bath was voted the most attractive place to watch rugby in the world , which is some indication of what a great place it is and how important rugby is to the city .
“ There ’ s a trickle-down effect . If a club is successful , it inspires young people to play , like we have seen with the amazing achievement of the Lionesses . There ’ s no doubt sport is essential for physical and mental wellbeing , and it helps you build relationships with people at every level .”
“ Sport has a lot of lessons to teach people including strength of leadership on and off the field ”
For more info : www . sportingwineclub . com