Broad Street Yards
A Vision for the Milsom Quarter Proposed view
A place of creativity and enterprise - drawing from the Milsom Quarter ’ s long history of being a place of making and creativity to create a unique destination
A new local residential neighbourhood - improving the buildings and spaces to maximise the potential of the Milsom Quarter as a great place to live in the heart of the city
A connecting place - completing the gaps in the city ’ s fabric to help connect the Walcot Street area into the heart of the city
The aim of the project is to create a flexible range of workspace opportunities including affordable creative workspace for start-ups and SMEs to operate in the heart of the city , ideally engaging with the fashion industry and the homewares industry in the area around . A high density of small workspace units , supported by microshops and elements of food and drink within the yard space can help to create a unique attractive character , making it a quirky alternative destination for the city .
Supporting the move to reduce visitor car access into the heart of the city , it is proposed to close this car park and instead create new development which will support creative and entrepreneurial uses that complement the fashion and interiors / homeware economise in the surrounding streets .
A destination for fashion and culture - delivering a new space for the Fashion Museum and continuing to support the Milsom Quarter ’ s status as a preeminent destination for fashion
A low traffic environment - giving priority to people over vehicles to create great streets and spaces whilst ensuring it is accessible to everyone
A climate challenge exemplar - investing in the buildings and the public spaces to be more sustainable and more resilient to the effects of climate change
Illustrative drawing of Broad Street Yards
St Michael ’ s Neighbourhood
Broad Street proposed view
Milsom Street Core
Proposed view ( everyday mode )
M I L S O M S T R E E T |
This artist ’ s illustration shows the impact that the public realm changes could bring about , creating an environment where people are able to take much more ownership of the space and creating somewhere which 12can foster a more local community character .
A clear route exists to provide for servicing and access for businesses and homes , but the street is predominantly for the benefit of pedestrians .
B R O A D S T R E E T |
Milsom Street has the potential to transform as a place for people , making it more attractive as a place to live , work and visit .
More space for pedestrians allows for street dining as well as events , whilst planting and seating will make the street a more welcoming place to spend time .
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Options are also being explored to use the historic vaults in creative ways , including the possibility of opening some up for tree planting to provide the shade that will help the city to cope with increasing temperatures .
The street will also be equipped to accommodate a range of events , as illustrated on the following page
Illustrative drawing of St Michael ' s Neighbourhood
Proposed view of Milsom Street Core Everyday Mode
" What ’ s your view on the public space proposals in the Masterplan ? Do you support the creation of 180 new city centre homes ? We ’ re keen to hear from you . Please drop into one of our face-to-face sessions to find out more and respond to our consultation .”
The plans for each of the four areas of Milsom Street Quarter are :
• Milsom St . Core ( Milsom St and New Bond St ) – retaining its character as an important location for fashion-led retail and home to an enhanced Fashion Museum . Space for events and festivals and workspace provision complemented by the food and drink offer of George Street to the north and retail to the south .
• Broad Street Yards – new build contemporary space , better connecting Milsom Street and Broad Street , providing opportunities for a vibrant mix of maker space , flexible workspace , retail and visitor accommodation .
• St Michael ’ s Neighbourhood : will become a growing
30 residential neighbourhood for Bath with new development and conversions of upper floors of properties , supporting a range of local shopping and amenities at ground floor level . A new public square will also be created in front of St Michael ’ s Church :
• Walcot Street Gateway - an improved entrance to Walcot Street through housing-led development on the Cattlemarket site and improved public spaces .
Artists Ilustration : Milsom Street Core Everyday Mode - Proposed View
The consultation runs until 15th July 2022 . The masterplan is funded by the West of England Combined Authority ’ s Investment Fund .
To read more about the plans online go to : https :// beta . bathnes . gov . uk / milsom-quarter
Call : 0845 688 6868 web : www . 1st-office . com