The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 21: Autumn 2021 | Page 6


South West Tech Sector drives region ’ s growth

A survey of over 300 leaders of South West tech SMEs has revealed the extent of the sector ’ s resilience throughout the pandemic .
The research , commissioned by Bristolbased Antidote Communications , in conjunction with TechSpark , saw 49 per cent of surveyed tech business leaders including founders and managing directors , report an increase in sales compared to pre-pandemic levels . 95 per cent of tech leaders said their business was at least as healthy as it was pre-pandemic , whilst more than half ( 53 per cent ) said their company was doing better than before the Covid-19 crisis .
As many businesses have had to move online through the lockdowns , the tech sector has undoubtedly benefited . 63 per cent of the businesses surveyed are 100 per cent digital , and nearly one third have SasS ( software as a service ) products or services .
Fintech and deep tech are the most prevalent sub-sectors for tech firms , accounting for 17 per cent and 14 per cent respectively . However , the diversity of sectors , from gaming to AI and martech to robotics , is a testament to the cluster ' s strength .
The leaders of these tech SMEs are driving the economic recovery in the region . The potential for growth for these businesses is clear and 96 per cent are optimistic about the future , with high levels of confidence for the second half of 2021 .
Patrick Fraser , Antidote Communications MD , said , “ These findings highlight a tremendous degree of confidence throughout the South West ’ s digital economy and indicate that the next twelve months may be the most fruitful yet for the region ’ s tech sector . The pandemic certainly presented challenges , but the tech cluster is now looking more robust than ever . It ’ s an exciting time for the entire region as this growth looks set to translate into more jobs , prosperity and innovation across the South West .”
Ben Shorrock , Managing Director , TechSPARK UK , added , “ Tech has become central to everyone ’ s lives during the last 18 months . Although there have been many challenges it ’ s heartening to see that
organisations are flourishing and will be creating more jobs , growth and opportunities across the South West .”
The research was conducted by TechSPARK and 307 tech leaders participated . Respondents included 104 founders / owners , 109 tech managers , and 94 directors . The survey was conducted online and undertaken between 5th and 22nd July 2021 .
@ TechSPARKuk
“ this growth looks set to translate into more jobs , prosperity and innovation across the South West ”
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