The Business Exchange Bath & Somerset Issue 21: Autumn 2021 | Page 10


Survey reveals that local businesses need more support to tackle climate change

A landmark survey of business attitudes towards climate change has revealed that while nearly 70 per cent of businesses in the West of England consider climate change to be a core ‘ business issue ,’ many feel that they lack the resources to take action .
The results of the Business West Quarterly Economic Survey [ Q2 ], which sought the views of 429 SMEs , highlights not only the pressing need to take action to combat climate change , but also the growing realisation among businesses of their role and responsibility in tackling climate change in the coming years .
Of the businesses that consider climate change an important issue , 46 per cent have already implemented plans and processes to reduce their carbon emissions and / or environmental impacts , whereas 31 per cent have done so but at a smaller scale by switching to a renewable energy supplier . 21 per cent of businesses said that they have not done anything at all .
The survey found that , despite the enthusiasm among businesses to take action on climate change , significant challenges and barriers remain that prevent them from doing so .
Cost was the most commonly cited barrier , with 28 per cent of businesses saying that they lacked sufficient funds to decarbonise their operations through
investing in ultra-low emissions vehicles for example . This was followed by competing priorities ( 26 per cent ), a lack of knowledge and changing policies and regulations ( 24 per cent respectively ) as the most common barriers to achieving net-zero .
In light of these findings , it is clear that businesses need much more support from the government if the UK is to reach its net-zero target by 2050 . Businesses indicated that access to finance ( 34 per cent ), greater clarity on policy and regulations ( 29 per cent ) and improved accessibility of general advice ( 26 per cent ) would be key in enabling them to cut carbon emissions into the future .
Nina Skubala , Head of Climate Strategy at Business West , said , “ Climate change is a defining issue of our time and businesses now know that they can make a pivotal contribution towards the rapid transitions required to overcome the challenges that it poses .
“ However , without a ramping up of support , businesses fear that they lack the knowledge and resources to be able to do
their bit and get to grips with the climate crisis . This needs to change and efforts to decarbonise our economy need to be significantly accelerated .
“ Against this background , we are calling on the Government to commit to providing further support to business communities to empower them to prepare and adapt to meet the challenges of climate change and aid the transition to a sustainable and resilient regional economy .”
Business West is one of the most influential business organisations in the UK and represents over 21,000 businesses in the South West , including its network of Chambers of Commerce members in Bath , Bristol , Gloucestershire and Wiltshire .
Business West is carbon neutral and aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030 , the first Chamber of Commerce in the UK to do so . To find out more about Business West ' s journey to net zero and how the organisation is working to accelerate the decarbonisation of businesses in our region visit the website .
“ It is clear that businesses need much more support ”

Free Carbon Surveys for SMEs

The West of England Combined Authority is offering free carbon surveys to SMEs in the region .
A Carbon Survey can support small and medium sized enterprises ( SMEs ) to understand their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions . The resulting Decarbonisation Report sets out potential improvements that could help reduce emissions and energy bills . A Carbon Survey can help businesses to :
• understand their current energy use and carbon emissions , and pinpoint carbon hotspots in business activities
• identify practical ways to reduce emissions and energy bills , including actions that could require low or no investment to implement
• discover and find out more about new and emerging technologies in their industry
• set priorities and budgets for future improvements
• access sources of funding , including Green Business Grants .
Businesses applying for a Carbon Survey will be asked to provide 12 months ’ energy data such as bills or meter readings . During the survey , the Technical Advisor will assess building fabric , heating and lighting systems and business equipment . Surveys can be carried out on-site or virtually depending on business preferences or local restrictions .
To apply for a survey , and for more information visit the West of England Growth Hub website .
For more info : www . wearegrowth . co . uk
10 www . tbebathandsomerset . co . uk