The Burl Hunter Vol 1 | Page 17

Lifting weights together he says to his Dad, “See, I can bench press two hundred and fifty pounds...,one, two, three, times--- can you do more?” “ Make it two seventy five and we'll see . Watch, one, two, three, four!” “Hey Dad, you want to arm wrestle?” And the challenge continues till one day...,but today The Burl Hunter is still tossing around very heavy chunks of burl wood for a living. His brother, the Captain, on board the fishing boat tells his crew members encountering a seemingly immovable Page 17 object, “You have to want it to move,” as he reaches for the line and begins forcefully yanking, with powerful hand over hand strokes to rip it through the sheave, one, two, three, four, more ..., “sometimes” he says “it requires a call to your inner strength.” It appears both the woodsman and the fisherman have taken to heart the wor