The Builder's Track 1 | Page 8


This brings Ta accountability

and a desire on the part of each contractor to remain in good standing with The Builder ’ s Track . Contractors who do not keep their clients happy will fi nd themselves cut from the list of leads . This keeps them sharp .
The Builder ’ s Track is also often called in as a third party mediator , when there are differences of opinion between contractors and clients . Sometimes all it takes is a cooler head to keep things from going off the rails . We offer a mediation service for a small fee , and we get requests from both contractors and clients from time to time .
We are now seeing nearly as many new cottage plans as rebuilds , and that is a good sign for the communities . People are returning , new buildings are springing up all over . I know it ’ s not nearly enough yet , but it ’ s a good start . It will take years to fi ll in even half the gaps that stare at us now , but the lake is such a magnet , it will attract it ’ s own following once again .

My own happiest years were summer vacations at Doc Paullson ’ s cottage at Lundar Beach . That was a long time ago now , but the lake is the lake , and boys will be boys . Now I look forward to introducing my new grandson go those lovely waves . Life goes on , and the lake does too .

Enjoy your summer , and let us help you if we can .


8 2013 Lake Manitoba Flood Rebuild Trade Show