The second step
The fi nal step
engineered drawings to work from . For those who do not , we have resources to meet that requirement at very reasonable cost . This is often the first step in preparing a project for bidding .
The second step
is to describe the project in a common format , developed over the past year while dealing with a variety of clients . The common format allows the contractor to know clearly what is required , and allows the client to easily compare between different contractor bids .
The fi nal step
is to submit the bids to the Program and to follow the process with the client until the Program Approval is obtained , and contracts are signed . Modern technology lets us do things that would have been impossible years ago , and this system is a prime example . Project documents , bid requests , engineer drawings , and all related forms are loaded onto a secure website , where they can be read , downloaded , printed , and used by multiple contractors in real time .
We don ’ t just allow any contractor with a half ton truck and a business card to access the fi les , though . Contractors must apply to be added to our approved list . When a contractor has supplied us with a copy of his insurance coverage , and proof of good standing with the workers compensation board , we will consider adding him or her to our growing list of contractors . We do charge contractors a fee for work successfully obtained through our system , but they all tell us it is money well spent , as we save them countless hours chasing down information and following leads .
N ow that we have an established clientele , and a steady fl ow of new leads , our service is truly appreciated by the contractor community .
continued on page 8
We don ’ t just allow any contractor
with a half ton truck and a business card to access your files ❞
4 2013 Lake Manitoba Flood Rebuild Trade Show