The British Empire: A source for good or evil? January 2014 | Page 11

What happened, exactly? I I Test Your Knowledge: - Give some examples of diseases brought or worsened by colonists. - How might colonists have worsened diseases which already existed? How did the British bring diseases anyway? When people travel around the world, they bring diseases to which the native inhabitants have not developed immunity. The British colonists were no exception, and many native people died in every country they added to their empire. For their part, many British colonists died from native diseases, too. It is mostly this second part which prompted the Imperial government to work on improving its colonial medical systems. Medical Help The British government brought many diseases, but to be fair, they also dedicated much of their power to fighting those diseases among both the colonists and the native people (usually). In 1880, for example, there was a law passed that required the vaccination of all children, mostly against smallpox but also for other diseases, and by 1903 the percentage of successful vaccinations had risen to 39.1%. Sites referenced: , http://www. Quinine is used to treat malaria.