Will You Marry Me ?
s what many single ladies yearn to
Ihear . Many young unmarried men however , find it hard to ask this question for so many reasons . Many ladies who have had the benefit of being asked the question either jump at the opportunity or lose the opportunity entirely , simply because they do not know what to watch out for , what to say or how to say it .
Many men and women remain single , believing God for their own life partners in marriage without making any effort to do that which will bring this blessing their way . You may be wondering how possible it is to find a marriage partner amongst so many choices . You may even begin to think that it is impossible to find the right person in a world that is full of different characters , pretences , uncertainty and changes .
Many eligible singles see the act of finding a marriage partner as a hard task of ‘ looking for a needle in a haystack ’. Well , I have got good news for all singles , unmarried and even those that are married and are looking for ways to give biblical ways of finding a marriage partner to their children and friends . This month , I will be revealing to you , some Bible truths on how to find your own marriage partner . God has made some spiritual tools available in His Word for this p u r p o s e a n d t h e m a j o r prerequisite required , is in seeking , in order to find . God ’ s Word in Matthew 7:7-8 says : Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you : For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
Proverbs 18:20 says : Whoso findeth a wife , findeth a good thing , and obtaineth favour of the Lord . The act of finding simply means that there are conscious steps to take , when you are considering marriage . Every man must find his wife , and finding is not just a spiritual process . You must open your physical eyes wide in order to find . It is your responsibility to assess what you are seeing , whether it is what you really want or not and the first step to getting a marriage partner is to sincerely DESIRE one . It means having a strong wish to have something . It is not just wanting it but having in addition , a strong determination to have it . There must be a strong desire for a partner because it is what you desire that will be fulfilled ( Proverbs 10:24 ). So , if you sincerely desire in your heart to have a marriage partner , then let it find expression on the outside .
Admit your desire privately and publicly without feeling embarrassed or ashamed . Don ’ t pretend ! Admit your desire before God and man and declare your stand boldly . Finding a marriage partner is not a carnal thing when it is done using God ’ s laid down principles . It is this same desire that will consciously push you to find out what God ’ s provisions for marriage as written in the scriptures are . You must find out what instructions , commandments , corrections , promises and counsel have been made available , for you to be properly directed in making the right choice . Your primary instruction manual to follow in order to be sure of success is the Bible .
Unlike your earthly parents , relations and friends who may at one time or the other try to match make marriage partners for you , God will not interfere in all you do in finding a marriage partners , unless you ask Him to in PRAYER . His Word will show you what to do and how to go about doing it but God Himself , will not get involved in it unless you invite Him .....
The BrighterLife Magazine | Page 21