Who so findeth a wife, findeth a good thing
and obtaineth favor of the Lord ~ Prov. 18:22
according to the above scripture, there is no
such thing as a bad wife. In the book of
Proverbs, The Bible describes “a wife as a
good thing” and one that brings favor and
not trouble to her home. We must understand
that according to scripture a wife is of great
importance and value to God which is why the
bible refers to her as a good thing - One that
should be treasured and honored by her
Who is a wife?
A wife is one who builds her home by
wisdom and establishes it with a
heart of understanding.
“Through wisdom is a house built and by
understanding it is established ~ Prov.
A wife is one who gives time to the
studying of God's Word, which is loaded
with wisdom and sound judgment, in
other for her to know her role in building
her home. She draws her strength from
The BrighterLife Magazine | Page 10
A wife is one who does not submit herself
to ungodly counsel.
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the
counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the
way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the
scornful” ~ Psalm 1:1
Rather, she delights herself in Gods words,
instructions and counsel. She ignores counsels
from friends and family members that may
cause havoc in her home. She patiently and
willfully follows the percepts and instructions
on the way to treat her husband and raise her
children. She is never found among the
scornful, but rather among those of great
minds, who discuss ideas and not events or
A wife is one who stands strong even in
the storm.
“If thou faint in the day of adversity thy
strength is small” ~ Prov. 24:10
A wife does not complain: rather she speaks
words of faith and encourages her husband,
even when nothing seems to be working well
financially in their home. She is an expression
of wisdom and understanding, she knows
when to demand
and when not to.
A wife is one
who submit to
and honor's her
“Wives, submit
yourselves unto
y o u r o w n
husbands, as unto
the LORD, for the
husband is the
head of the wife,
even as Christ is
the head of the
church and he is
the savior of the
body ~ Eph.
A wife submits to
her husband in
everything and
every way.