The Bridge | Page 3

Three Provinces Ablaze

Reports of unrest in Styria

Buildings burn in Carniola

Looting in Zagorje

Peasants burning churches and nobles farms in Carniola

s.The Ottoman threat has strained the economy of the Holy Roman Empire, feudal lords demands too much of the peasantry. In Zagorje, cruel treatment of peasants by baron Ferenc Tahy and his warring with neighbouring barons over land has long been a grievance among the peasantry. Imperial arrogance led to an explosion of violence amon

The rebels' political demand replacingg the lower classes.

the nobility with peasant officials. They want to abolish feudal holdings and obligations of the Roman Catholic Church. A peasant government was formed with Matija Gubec, Ivan Pasanac and Ivan Mogaić as members. Far-reaching plans were drawn up, including abolition of provincial borders, opening of highways for trade, and self-rule by the peasants.

The captain of the rebels, Ilija Gregorić, has planned an extensive military operation to secure

victory for the revolt. Each peasant household provided one man for his army, which has met with some initial success; The Emperor, deaf to the peasants has sent armies to crush the rebels.

Baronial Backlash

On 5 February, imperial captain Turn defeated Ilija Gregorić and 2,000 men near the Lower Styrian town of Brežice. The next day, another rebel force was subjugated near Samobor. On 9 February, the decisive Battle of Stubičko polje was fought. Gubec and his 10,000 men resisted fiercely, but after a bloody four-hour battle the baronal army defeated and captured Gubec. The revolt failed.

Retribution was brutal: in addition to the 3,000 peasants who died in the battle, many captives were hanged or maimed. Matija Gubec was publicly tortured and executed on 15 February

A Time of


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The cultural and national identity created by the reformation may inspire generations to take an active stand in preserving and promoting the Slovenian language.

Will Princely absolutism and the Catholic Church’s suppression of Protestantism, hinder the development of literature in Slovenia or will compromise with Rome under the Habsburg Empire, be a positive period for the Slovenian people, accelerating economic development?


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