Our Project
Spanish Dutch Multiplier Event
The Bridge
Te Bridge Project is a partnership of schools from 9 countries. It emerged from an earlier project called Spirit of Hope which was a Comenius project. .The main aim of our project is to create teaching resources for use in schools across Europe.
The Dutch and Spanish partners have long been experts in the delivery of CLIL in their schools and a multiplier event was organised by these schools ...and indeed shared during the building Bridges conference in Newcastle .
The project aims to improve teaching and learning in particular subject areas, subject teachers will assess whether the academic aims have been met. These results will be discussed during staff and departmental meetings and used to improve the effectiveness of their teaching methods.
The academic content needs to be stimulating and exciting and relevant to contemporary needs. Monitoring and evaluation of content will depend on goal clarity. We have identified CLIL as an important feature and intend to compare student attainment for those participating in CLIL programmes with students not involved in CLIL.
The learning outcomes were described during the planning process with a clear timeframe for completion. The timeline is found in the twin space project diary, time management is the responsibility of each coordinator and quality control relies on publication of results which are open to public scrutiny.