The Bridge V Learning 2(clone) | Page 7

• I) Ellipticals or Lenticulars: it can be hard to tell these apart. If you know it's either an E or S0 / SB0, it is okay to guess between these two.

• II) Spirals and Barred Spirals: it can be hard to tell these apart. If you know it's either an S or SB, it is okay to guess between these two.

• III) Irregular galaxy.

• IV) Uncertain: an edge-on view of a galaxy that could possibly be an S0, SB0, S, SB, or IR. There are too many possibilities, so do not count these.

• Star) any object that has ‘crosshairs’ sticking out of it is a foreground star in the Milky Way galaxy, so do not count these.

• ?) Don't count small, faint objects like these that are too hard to classify.