2 . Reading strategies
• Making conclusions or interpretation / Asking questions
By answering the teacher ’ s questions , the students will actually embrace the method of asking questions and asking themselves questions during individual reading the same way their teacher is doing it . This strategy is about students asking themselves questions about what they have read in order to make conclusions during the reading process and interpret the essence of what was read 8 .
• Recognizing the main ideas
Using this strategy means recognizing not only the main idea , but also several other ideas . Karol Visinko 9 called them key points which are connected contextually , and by identifying them , the reader shows his understanding of the text .
• Textual organisation / Combining different parts of the text
Defining textual organisation is done after the reading process , when the students determine the chronological order of events in the story , its plan or textual composition . There are several ways to do that . According to Karol Visinko 10 , determining textual organisation depends on the tasks that the teacher prepares in advance . For example :
1 Determining the order of events - by using previously prepared sentences and subtitles we should determine the order of events .
2 Filling out the order of events in the story – blanks should be filled out with sentences or subtitles to complete the order of events
3 Guided determination of order of events in the story – the students read the story which is divided into parts , and after each part they answer the same question : What have we found out from this part of the story .
After the textual organisation is made , the students are more successful in retelling the story .
• Summarizing
Summarizing is one of the most effective reading and learning strategies . It demands the reader to identify the essence of the text , to evaluate the importance of information , to leave out obsolete information , to organise and sum up the important pieces of information . Summarizing enables the students to connect the information from the text to each other as well as to previous knowledge , and it is especially effective when the students use their own expressions .
Visinko , K . Čitanje , poučavanje i učenje . Zagreb ꞉ Školska knjiga , 2014 ., str . 103 .
Visinko , K . Čitanje , poučavanje i učenje . Zagreb ꞉ Školska knjiga , 2014 ., str . 104 .
Visinko , K . Čitanje , poučavanje i učenje . Zagreb ꞉ Školska knjiga , 2014 ., str . 104 . -107 .
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