' A N i g h t i n t h e L i b r a r y ' w o r k s h o p s f o r t a c k l i n g r e a d i n g 4. 'A Night in the Library' workshops for tackling reading appreciation – for learners aged 13 to 17 prepared by Magdalena Bobek, mag. – foreign language teacher, Slovenia The simple reading strategies presented below are based on practical work carried out with teenagers of eight different nationalities, from 13 to 17 years of age, during an Erasmus+ student exchange. The world famous book Matilda by Roald Dahl was chosen as the source for the activities, because the students from each country all knew something about it, even if not the entire story. They were required to read the book even though they might have seen the film beforehand. The aim of the activities was to show students with different linguistic abilities how reading can be enjoyable as well as educational. It dealt with reading habits, tackling reading content and making notes. The students were divided into four mixed ability, mixed nationality groups. The language of communication was English. The activities were divided into four workshops with an enjoyable joint activity at the end: - - - - The Matilda workshop – changing the ending of the story The Dictionary workshop – expanding vocabulary The Metaphorical drawings workshop – figurative vs literal meaning The Telephone dictation workshop – group learning and team work + The Treasure Hunt 4.1 The Matilda workshop – changing the ending of the story Learner audience: students from 13 to 17 years of age by Jana Špilar Dodič, teacher of Slovenian at lower secondary level, Slovenia and Lucija Škvarča, teacher at primary level, Slovenia 65