Reading Literacy
3 . Reading Literacy
3.1 Reading activities for the improvement of reading literacy - for pre-school children and learners aged 6 to 12
by Jana Špilar Dodič , teacher of Slovenian at the lower secondary school level , Slovenia
There are four main objectives in the project :
- to present a project on » Reading Literacy « and some of the reading activities involved ; - to present a workshop showing how different methods work in practice ; - to get new ideas for reading activities .
Slovenian national project „ Reading Literacy “
A few years ago , our school participated in a national project called » Reading Literacy «. The project was led by the Slovenian Institute of Education and the Ministry of Education , and financed by the European Union . Why was the project founded ? Slovenian students were achieving average results in various exams at national and international level . Some of them had problems reading and were not motivated enough to read . Of course , we wanted them to be more successful . There were 35 schools included in the project , and every school had its own team , which organized different activities for students and workshops for teachers .
The main objective of the project was to use different reading strategies to improve reading literacy and also motivate students to read by giving them more opportunities in doing just that . Our expectations were not too extensive . The goals were set on a smaller scale , which would show gradual improvement in reading literacy in the long run . The project proved to be such a success that even after the project officially ended some of the activities have still remained part of our school life . As teachers we believe that , in order
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