C r o s s - c u r r i c u l a r r e a d i n g s t r a t e g i e s w i t h i n t h e s c h o o l l i b r a r y 2.2 Cross-Curricular Integration – Library Education, Slovenian (L1) And/Or Foreign Languages (L2) - A READING WORKSHOP IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY by school librarian, mag. Mirjam Francetič, and teacher, Lucija Škvarča SAMPLE LESSONS: THEME: STORIES COME ALIVE IN THE LIBRARY SCHOOL SUBJECT - SLOVENIAN: getting to know a Slovenian tale . Work material: Slovenian tale: PETER KLEPEC by France Bevk Sample lesson prepared for learner audience: learners from 6 to 15 INTRODUCTION As part of the Reading literacy programme, the librarian and the teachers at Osnovna šola Pivka often carry out lessons in the Library and Information Sciences. Their goal is to get the pupils accustomed to the environment and atmosphere of a library, develop a positive attitude towards the library and its material, with emphasis on proper book-handling, and motivate pupils to engage in reading and aesthetic enjoyment. By using the library material and other sources of information, the pupils get to know the problems and learn efficient reading strategies, as well as develop various skills and competences including communicational, informational, investigative competences. For this purpose, a colleague teacher and myself carried out four lessons, in which we combined working with the text, listening, discussing, explaining and collaborative learning to get the pupils better Pedagogical tasks of the school library stem from the need to train its users how to use the library, its material and sources of information independently. They are, therefore, integrated into the school's educational process via the literary and Information proficiencies offered. The goals of the curriculum include cross-curricular integration and cooperation, as well as a team approach to teaching that involves the use of the school library. The following sample lesson features an example of a cross-curricular integration of Library and Information Sciences with the Slovenian language class, which can be used in all three triads or levels that is for learners from 6 to 15 years of age. 43