C r o s s - c u r r i c u l a r r e a d i n g s t r a t e g i e s w i t h i n t h e s c h o o l l i b r a r y - I was very pleased with the LIS lesson conducted in the library. The lesson was dynamic. We searched for books, used lexicons and encyclopaedias, had great fun, and also a bit of a quarrel over who found the most books and who already knew that Big Ben is not an American boxer. The lesson absolutely flew by. Conclusion The LIS is an important part of the educational process at our school. It encourages team work among the educators as well as creativity among the pupils, as the latter often learn through practical examples – however, these must not be too difficult. During the LIS lesson, we took the time to talk, observe and listen, which is often lacking when imparting knowledge in the classroom. We let ourselves be driven by the pupils’ interest and enthusiasm for the activities, while guiding them in such a way that they will be equal to similar tasks in future. The pupils, as well as the teachers who took part in it, found the work interesting and varied. That is why, at the start of every school year, the teachers come up with new notions and ideas which they want to implement in their lessons in collaboration with the school library. Literature ČEBULAR, A. Evropopotnica. Ljubljana: Urad Vlade RS za informiranje, 2000. DEVJAK, T. Etična in državljanska vzgoja v osnovni šoli. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2002. Knjižnična informacijska znanja. Cilji in vsebine za osnovno šolo. Ljubljana: Nacionalna kurikularna komisija, 1998. KYRIACOU, C. Vse učiteljeve spretnosti. Radovljica: Regionalni izobraževalni center, 1997. UČAKAR, P. Gesla za vsebinski opis leposlovja v šolskih knjižnicah. Šolska knjižnica, let. 12, 2002, št. 3, str. 98-103. translated by: Aleksandar Stanković, prof.of English 42