1 . Introduction
Magdalena Bobek , mag .
Helping learners become autonomous in reading is one of the main objectives in education today . Reading has recently become one of the greater challenges mainly due to all the technologies such as mobiles , smart phones , ipods , just to mention a few that enable learners to stay in almost constant contact with social media sites such as Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , Google and others . They have become frivolous diversions and sometimes even obstacles in the learning process deviating learners from successful learning already at a very young age . It seems that young learners and teenagers , have become addicted to these modern technologies and simply do not know how to approach reading or anything connected to it , as it all seems so boring compared to their ipods and mobile phones . Getting learners at this stage in life interested enough for them to do a simple reading task is a challenge in itself . Since learning also requires reading , it is obvious that reading literacy plays an important part in this process .
Before looking at possible ways of improving reading literacy , it is first and foremost important to understand the young learners ' perception of the world at this stage in life . At the age between thirteen and seventeen everything teenagers do , how they live , speak and breathe revolves around them . In order to get their attention and improve their interest in the curriculum , it is vital for teachers to find ways of boosting the teenagers ' interest in reading material . Perhaps the most important factor influencing a teenager ' s interest in reading is the reading material itself .
Material that offers little or nothing tangible to teenagers or their life experiences , will not serve as something they will embrace . On the other hand material that deals with common teenage problems and circumstances or a young person ' s struggle at achieving their goal in life , something with which teenagers can associate , is bound to capture their attention . If the material at hand is not completely connected to their ' schemas ' to use Cook ' s expression ( 1997:86 ) referring to the knowledge of the world that the reader brings to the text , the teacher will have to use various teaching styles and methods as well as select and evaluate
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