4 . R e s e a r c h     I try to guess what is the story I read about Carefully look at the images with a story I focus my attention on what is important in the story Look up the meaning of unfamiliar words in a textbook, dictionary, encyclopedia... Often...      Quickly scan the text and images to figure out what is it about before I start reading from the beginning I stop reading and think about what I read I ask the friend in class to check if I understand everything I ask the teacher to check if I understand everything When I read at home and do not understand something, I ask someone Never...  I read the story several times Question: Write if you do anything else during reading. The students have mostly stated that they listen to music, eat, use social networks… Question꞉ What can I do to read more?        Go to the library more often Every night read 5 pages of a book Reward myself when I finish a book Find comments about a book on the Internet Buy more books Read more blogs recommending interesting books by writers Play less video games STATEMENT This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Thanks to all participants in this research! 32