4 . R e s e a r c h 4. Research A questionnaire about reading and reading strategies was conducted in 2016, on 326 students aged 13 to 15 from school partners. 4.1 Instructions for questionnaire about reading and reading strategies The aim of the research is to determine students' interest in reading, their reading habits and the frequency in using reading strategies, in their mother tongue. Research on the reading is carried out in 9 schools from 9 countries: Academy at Shotton Hall, United Kingdom; Zespol Szkol Budowlanych, Poland; Leonardo da Vinci, Spain; Jac. P. Thijsse College, The Netherlands; Lycée LGT Dupleix, France; Tranevagen ungomsskule, Norway; Primary school Pivka, Slovenia; I.I.S. "Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori," Italy; Primary school "Podrute", Croatia. The study included at least 30 students per school at the age of 13-15 years. Filling out the questionnaire takes about 10-15 minutes. Filling in the form is conducted in English, but is related to reading and use of reading strategies in their mother tongue. Claims are written in the first person because the aim of the research focuses on the personal strategy of respondents. Special needs students participate in filling out questionnaires, but their results are not included in the statistical analysis, therefore, teachers are asked to refer to the questionnaires that were filled out by special needs students. We kindly ask students to submit fully completed questionnaires. 21