Summary This publication consists of two parts. The first part, prepared by the teachers of Primary school “Podrute” was designed to display a short theoretical overview of reading strategies, the activities done by the teachers and librarians in school partners with the purpose of encouraging students to read and also to display the results of a reading questionnaire which included 326 students from nine school partners: students from the Polish school Zespół Szkół Budowlanych, Spanish school Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian school I. I. Alfonso Maria De’ Liguori, Slovenian school Primary school Pivka, Norwegian school Tranevågen Ungdomsskule, French school Landrecies Dupleix High School, English school The Academy at Shotton Hall, the Dutch school Jac. P. Thijsse College and Croatian school Primary school “Podrute”, all as a part of an Erasmus + project The Bridge. The second part of this publication was prepared by the students of Slovenian partner school, Primary school Pivka, and it depicts Cross – curricular reading strategies within the school library, Reading literacy and “A Night in the Library” workshops for tacking reading perception. This publication was prepared in cooperation between teachers of Primary school Podrute and Primary school Pivka.