The Bridge Issue_1812 | Page 16

The Congress of Wien By class 4 A LL The Congress of Wien was held from September 1814 to June 1815. The purpose of Austria, Russia and Prussia was to prevent modifications of the constituted order and they formed a holy alliance which denied the principles of the Enlightenment . But this was not possible, because people had changed and it was impossible to deny the ideals of liberty, fraternity and equality. The Holy alliance wanted the return of the obedience to the authority: -instead of the idea of progress, the respect of the tradition; -instead of the popular sovereignty, the return of the old sovereigns. The Congress established then to follow two principles:  The principle of legitimacy  The principle of equilibrium -The principle of the equilibrium was followed for preventing that a State became too strong in comparison to the others; -According to the principle of legitimacy, the sovereigns of the past had to return on the throne (in France, Luigi XVIII come back) During the Hundred Days, Gioacchino Murat realized that the European powers, meeting as the Congress of Wien, had the intention to remove him and return the Kingdoms of Naples to their pre-Napoleonic rulers. Murat deserted his new allies before the War of the Seventh Coalition and, after issuing a proclamation to the Italian patriots in Rimini, moved to the north to fight against the Austrians in the Neapolitan War to strengthen his rule in Italy by military means. He was defeated by Frederick Bianchi, a general of Francis I of Austria, in the Battle of Tolentino (2–3 May 1815). After the Congress Italy was subdivided in this way:  Venice and Lombardia formed the lombardo-Venetian kingdom under Austria.  The kingdom of Sardinia made up of Piedmont and Liguria returned under the Savoia.  Lucca was given to Borbone.  The Papal State was given to the Pope.