The Bridge INTELLECTUAL RESULT IO 16 (8) | Page 30

Europeans are proud of their cultural heritage . They praise it in front of strangers and identify with it in a very emotional way . Cultural heritage for the majority of citizens has a high value , because it allows its own identification , provides a pretext for conversations and social contacts , and also has something special that is not found anywhere else . This applies equally to historic buildings , literature and music . In my vision of the future of Europe , we will treat our European cultural heritage as a common good .
Europe is characterized by a rich and diverse culture tradition . No other culture is as aware of its history as European culture . As a whole , it differs from the others , and at the same time it is very diverse internally . But the thing is that the European nations often competed with each other in the past , waged wars or had to defend against them . But if we were to look only from this perspective , a united Europe would never have been created even to a small degree . It may paradoxically strengthen us in unification . Seeing mistakes made in the past , we are able to prevent them from being repeated in the future . If the authorities of the states draw a lesson from the past , then there should never be more wars or cruelty . We are already living in a war-free Europe . And let it remain as long as possible . Seeing how the II World War destroyed and divided Europe , we have something to fear . Considering the fact that technology is constantly developing and new weapons are being created , which can not only destroy Europe , but the whole world . In my vision of the future there will not be wars at all , and the army will only be on display . There will also be no crime or terrorism .
We do not know what history will surprise us with . Stable powers for various reasons fell at some point . Nothing is permanent in history . It is worth - and even necessary - to look forward and backwards and draw from this careful looking 30