The Bridge INTELLECTUAL RESULT IO 16 (8) | Page 22

3 . International Projects ' Lifelong Potential - Essays by young students –
3.1 The future of education Natalia Anna Niska - Norway
The future of education is coming , and it ’ s coming fast . Can you imagine students learning outside the classroom , and listening to a teacher of their own choice ? Welcome to the future of education .
Future generations will have more opportunities to learn at different times and in different places . E-Learning , self-paced learning , personalized learning and other methods will give students the ability to learn with study tools that adapt to their capabilities . Those who experience difficulties with a subject will get the opportunity to practise more until they reach the required level . This will help make learning much easier , and students will be positively motivated , which will bring about a positive learning experience and diminish the amount of students losing confidence in their abilities and leaving school too early . Furthermore , teachers will be able to see clearly which students need help in which areas . Skills will be not assessed on paper , but will be based on the student ’ s practical performance in the field .
The personalized learning experience will enable students to choose their own learning tools , programs and techniques based on their own preferences . A diverse variety of programs , learning experiences and strategies will help students gain more learning interests , and aspirations , or help with things that address distinct learning preferences such as cultural background or weaknesses .
Exams will change completely the ‘ smarter ’ education gets . Exams might become irrelevant or might not even suffice . I don ’ t think grading is a reliable source when it comes to grading a student based on the system we have now . There is a drastic difference between understanding a subject and simply learning how to get through a series of tests . The knowledge of a student can be measured best during their work on