student / teacher; teacher / teacher discussions, which should also
include those teachers in the partner schools who are not directly involved
in the project activities. Getting positive and/or negative feedback from these
teachers can serve to improve project activities yet to come, so that the same
mistakes are not repeated.
reports given by teachers and students participating in the learning and
teaching mobilities at different partner schools serve as on-the-spot
information about on-going activities.
monitoring improvement in students' attitudes, interest and achievements
in various subject areas plays an important role in the project that can serve
as an important factor in MFL lessons when introducing new teaching
methods and techniques such as the cross-curricular approach, CLIL
(Content and Language Integrated Learning) and the flipped classroom.
occasional anonimous questionnaires about the project for students
and/or teachers as well as participating parents give spontaneous hints and
straight forward advice as to how to improve future activities.
feedback from local organizations and the commune is vital for the life
of the project in the local community, as it is very important for the project's
live interviews on radio and TV talk shows with participating foreign
students and/or teachers giving their impressions about the project's overall
influence on education can profit the project by disseminating its outcomes
to other educational institutions, and help make it an example of good
practice for others to follow.
a constant exchange of ideas and opinions among the project
coordinators through e-mails, skype, the twin space and e-twinning portals
or at project meetings, as well as joint evaluation of activities already
undertaken, and when needed, through a replenishment of the activities and
mobilities yet to take place, brings about positive coordination throughout
the entire life of the project.
regularly checking the project's approved application to make sure that
the activities undertaken have not strayed from the goals set in the
application. If additional activities have been added while the project is
already in progress, activities that the coordinators believe give it that added