The Bridge INTELLECTUAL RESULT IO 16 (8) | Page 40
3.13 What are the benefits of learning modern foreign languages?
Małgorzata Dziekan – Poland
Many young people do not realize how powerful a foreign language is. In the modern
world a foreign language is very necessary. Although everyone has access to it at
school, a small number of people can use this 100% free opportunity.
A foreign language can open infinite possibilities. Thanks to this skill, you can easily
communicate abroad with your own country as well as with any foreign language
encountered. It is very rewarding and makes life easier.
Language learning is also a good way to develop our brains. Thanks to this, we
develop our imagination, we have more associations. We can also find out where the
word comes from. Is it not accidentally borrowed from another culture, and may have
a different meaning.
Watching different media, reading books, watching movies or series in the original is
much better. Plenty of interesting productions are in other la