The Bridge INTELLECTUAL RESULT IO 16 (8) | Page 36

International projects teach us about equality of nations regardless of race , creed or colour – What are your views on economic , illegal or forced migrations and their integration in European society / schools ?
Aleksandra Bednarz – Poland
Human migration is the permanent or semipermanent change of place of residence from one area to another . Sometimes it can lead to international migration . International migration is when people cross state boundaries and stay in the host state for some minimum length of time .
Political , social and economic instability , economic downturn , poor governance , no security , human rights violations , political repression , humanitarian crises and natural disasters , growing disparities in living conditions are the main reasons of migration .
Moving to a new place has negative , but also positive effects . For the family , the negative effect is leaving the family places , usually leaving the closest people . Positives are better jobs , better education for children , meeting a new culture and language , seeing the world . A positive effect for a country who welcomes immigrants is the influx of people willing to work and who will rise the economics up . They work in the places where natives do not want to work . Also people who don ' t see development prospects in their countries come to other countries that give them the opportunity to self-fulfillment . Cultural and national conflicts that occur from immigrants are problematic . An excessive number of immigrants can cause chaos in the functioning of transport . New jobs will be needed not increase the unemployment . It will be