The Bridge CLIL volume 1 | Page 27

T E A C H I N 77 G THROUGH A FOREIGN LANGUAGE P A R T O N E General issues 1.1 Definition and aims Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a general expression used to refer to any teaching of a non-language subject through the medium of a second or foreign language (L2). CLIL suggests an equilibrium between content and language learning. The non-language content is developed through the L2 and the L2 is developed through the non-language content. In 1995 the European Commission adopted a document on education called “The White Paper. Teaching and learning. Towards the learning society”. It declares that proficiency in three community languages is a prior objective, and suggests teaching content in a foreign language as a way to contribute to the achievement of this plurilinguistic objective. • CLIL can be seen as an educational approach which supports linguistic diversity, and a powerful tool that can have a strong impact on langua- ge learning in the future. • CLIL is an innovative approach to learning, a dynamic and motiva- ting force with holistic features. It constitutes an attempt to overco- me the restraints of traditional school curricula, i.e. the teaching of individual subjects, and represents a shift towards curricular integra- tion.