The Brand Protection Professional (The BPP) VOLUME 2 | NUMBER 4 | Page 9

REGISTRATIO THROUGH FE N OPEN BRUARY 6 Team Composition, Organization & Leadership LEARNING MODULES This course has been developed for professionals who have established a basic foundation in brand protection and seek to apply those skills to build and sustain effective brand protection teams. 100% ONLINE & INSTRUCTOR LED Two days a week for four weeks, instructional methods include assigned readings, video lectures, weekly conference video/calls and discussion boards. Learner assessments via weekly chat sessions with instructor, discussion board postings, weekly quizzes, and final examination. INSTRUCTOR Why Teams Succeed & Why They Fail The Role of Service-Based Teams Jay Kennedy, MBA, PhD REGISTRATION The cost of this four week, instructor-led online training is $1,580. To register, visit: or click here. Overcoming Barriers & Dealing with Success QUESTIONS? CONTACT KARI KAMMEL: [email protected], 517.353.2163