The Books of the Bible Covenant History | Page 4


I n the be gin ning God cre at ed the heav ens and the earth . Now the earth was form less and emp ty , dark ness was over the sur face of the deep , and the Spir it of God was hov er ing over the wa ters .

And God said , “ Let there be light ,” and there was light . God saw that the light was good , and he sep a rat ed the light from the darkness . God called the light “ day ,” and the dark ness he called “ night .” And there was eve ning , and there was morn ing — ​the first day .
And God said , “ Let there be a vault be tween the wa ters to sepa rate wa ter from wa ter .” So God made the vault and sep a rated the wa ter un der the vault from the wa ter above it . And it was so . God called the vault “ sky .” And there was eve ning , and there was morning — ​the second day .
And God said , “ Let the wa ter un der the sky be gath ered to one place , and let dry ground ap pear .” And it was so . God called the dry ground “ land ,” and the gath ered wa ters he called “ seas .” And God saw that it was good .
Then God said , “ Let the land pro duce veg e ta tion : seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it , ac cord ing to their var i ous kinds .” And it was so . The land pro duced veg e ta tion : plants bear ing seed ac cord ing to their kinds and trees bear ing fruit with seed in it ac cord ing to their kinds . And God saw that it was good . And there was eve ning , and there was morn ing — ​the third day .
And God said , “ Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to sep a­ rate the day from the night , and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times , and days and years , and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth .” And it was so . God made two great lights — ​the great er light to gov ern the day and the less er light to gov ern the night . He also made the stars . God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth , to gov ern the day and the night , and to sep a rate light from darkness . And God saw that it was good . And there was eve ning , and there was morn ing — ​the fourth day .
1:1 – 1:19