12 Day 1 • Genesis , part 1
Adam named his wife Eve . She would be come the moth er of every living person .
The Lord God made clothes out of an i mal skins for Adam and his wife to wear . The Lord God said , “ Just like one of us , the man can now tell the dif fer ence be tween good and evil . He must not be al lowed to reach out and pick fruit from the tree of life and eat it . If he does , he will live for ev er .” So the Lord God drove the man out of the Gar den of Eden . He sent the man to farm the ground he had been made from . The Lord God drove him out and then placed an gels on the east side of the gar den . He also placed there a flam ing sword that flashed back and forth . The an gels and the sword guard ed the way to the tree of life .
Adam loved his wife Eve . She be came preg nant and gave birth to Cain . She said , “ With the Lord ’ s help I have had a baby boy .” Lat er she gave birth to his broth er Abel .