59 THE BLUE FEATHER “Which one do you think we should use?” Bardala asked. “This one here is located next to the ocean, so it would probably be a good choice,” Tital said, as he pointed to the location, “but, I wish I had a map of this planet. We really need to do some serious research on this planet before we leave.” “Ek Chuah will supply you with one, or several, as you may request. Just tell him what type you want,” Huracán said. “He will help you in any research you may desire.” “What is it exactly that you want us to accomplish while we are on Vivia?” Bardala asked Huracán. “Your journey will unfold for you. When the time comes, you will know to return here to me, and then find one of the stone archways always with the symbol of Aulue. It is that simple,” Huracán told them. “Can we get hurt? Can we die?” asked Jonathan. “It is a physical world, and you are flesh and blood, so yes, very bad things can happen to you. However, very good things can also happen to you on the planet of Vivia. You will have special powers, and those powers will grow in strength as you use them,” Huracán told Jonathan. “I can read by the description of the planet that the people are only advanced technologically as far as 700 A.D. in our time,” Tital said. “That is correct. All civilizations differ in their ability to advance. This planet Vivia has been held back thousands of years by terrible infighting among its people,” Huracán said. “Why is that?” Bardala wanted to know. “I think it is for the best for you to see first hand, and not to be influenced by me. Make up your own minds, and tell me when you return. Take good notes. Now, go with Ek Chuah back